Teaching System

Teaching System

The Department of Civil Engineering has adopted Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Outcome-Based Assessment (OBA) for its Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) as recommended by the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) of Pakistan Engineering Council.

Vision of NED University

"Be a leader in enabling Pakistan's social and economic transformation"

Mission of NED University

"Acquire education and research excellence in engineering and allied disciplines to produce leadership and enabling application of knowledge and skills for the benefit of the society with integrity and wisdom"

Vision of the Department of Civil Engineering

To excel in teaching, research and innovation in civil engineering and associated fields to produce human capital delivering professional services and leadership contributing towards sustainable development at the national and global level.

Mission of the Department of Civil Engineering

To provide a high-quality learning environment inculcating fundamental and specialized engineering knowledge, skills in critical thinking, communication, teamwork and leadership for producing globally competitive engineers; and to create opportunities for students and faculty for conducting basic and applied research that contributes to society through sustainable engineering principles and practices